Enrico Verra
Enrico Verra was born and lives in Turin. As he graduated in History and Critics of Cinema, he started working as assistant director to Davide Ferrario, Daniele Segre, Guido Chiesa, Bruno Bigoni.
His debut work is in 1991 with Real Falchera FC (winner of the Gabbiano d’oro at Bellaria Film Festival, 1991), Il Signor Rossi prese il fucile (awarded at the Turin International Festival, 1994), No man’s land. In 1999 he was awarded the European Academy Award for best European short film with Benvenuto in San Salvario. In 2005 he made his feature film’s debut with Sotto il Sole Nero, winner of the 28th Festival du Film Italien de Villerupt 2005 and the 2nd Festival Cinema Italiano opera prime, Gallio (VI), in 2005.
Vivo film has produced his last documentary film, Scemi di guerra. La follia nelle trincee [War’s Fools. Madness in Trenches].
War’s fools. Madness in trenches
Migliaia di soldati durante il primo conflitto mondiale affrontarono il calvario della malattia mentale.