2006. In the heart of Calabria, on a hill overlooking the sea, Paola Salerno films the preparation of the wedding of her younger brother Checco. In their family home, Checco spends his last days as a bachelor in the middle of his tribe of women. Four sisters: Caterina, Giovanna, Paola and Francesca; their mother Angela; and Maria Rosa, the bride to be. And then there are Raoul, Matteo and Bianca, Paola’s children; together with Pascal, Nicolas, Valia, Merle-Anne: mates, exes and friends. The director films everything that happens with love and joy, the discussions about the colour of the tablecloths and their positioning, the chatter, the quarrels, the songs and the most different considerations about marriage.

Paola Salerno’s camera accompanies her brother up until a moment before the ceremony.

Produced by

Paola Salerno and Vivo film

with the support of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio
di Calabria e Lucania, Fondazione Rocco Guglielmo, Rubbettino editore, ANEC Sezione Calabra, AGIS Delegazione Calabra.


Produced by: Paola Salerno, Gregorio Paonessa and Gian Filippo Pedote

Direction, camera and sound: Paola Salerno

Editing: Paola Salerno in collaboration with Giorgia Villa

Original music: Raul Colosimo

Technical data

Year: 2016

Running time: 84 min

Country: Italia

Format: color

Festivals and awards

Cinéma du Réel 2016

Bellaria Film Festival 2016 – special mention “Gianni Volpi”

MedFilm Festival 2016 – Le Perle Alla Scoperta del Nuovo Cinema Italiano