The story of Brunello and Lorello Biondi, twins living in Pianetti di Sovana, southern Tuscany, revolves around time. They spend every day, every hour taking care of the estate where they were born. All their time is completely dedicated to and consumed by constant work, as if they were condemned to some sort of existential labour. But, notwithstanding their efforts, they are on the verge of failure, they feel helpless in front of the dropping prices of the global economic market, acting like an invisible enemy, that they identify in the Antinori, a global wine company that is besieging the twins and their impoverished neighbours.

The film, divided in four chapters, follows the seasons of a year: wolves attacking sheeps at night, working at dawn, dust, animals, death and births.


Produced by

Gregorio Paonessa e Marta Donzelli per Vivo film, Jacopo Quadri per Ubulibri, con Rai Cinema



(Italiano) Brunello Biondi

Lorello Biondi

Ultimina Capecchi Biondi

Mirella Iona Plugaru

Wilma Funghi Biondi

Giuliano Biondi

Raniero Marroni

Domenico Serra

Addis Pampanini


(Italiano) Soggetto, montaggio e regia: Jacopo Quadri

Prodotto da: Gregorio Paonessa e Marta Donzelli per Vivo film, Jacopo Quadri per Ubulibri, con Rai Cinema

Cinematography: Greta De Lazzaris

Camera: Greta De Lazzaris, Nicolò Tettamanti

Musiche: Valerio Vigliar

Suono: Antonio Barba, Max Gobiet

Montaggio del suono: Daniela Bassani, Stefano Grosso

Assistente al montaggio: Martina Ghezzi

Colorist: Vincenzo Marinese

Festivals and awards

(Italiano) Annecy Cinema Italien 2018: Concorso
Berlinale 2018: Culinary Cinema
DOXA Documentary Film Festival 2018
Festival del Cinema Italiano di Madrid 2018: Actividades Paralelas
ICFF Italian Contemporary Film Festival 2018
IFFR – International Film Festival Rotterdam 2018: Voices
International Film Festival of Guadalajara 2018: Film4climate
Trento Film Festival 2018: Menzione Speciale della Giuria
Visions du Reel 2018: Latitudes
Fare Cinema 2018 Addis Abeba
Fare Cinema 2018 Santiago del Cile
La Roche-Sur-Yon International Film Festival 2018
PerSo – Perugia Social Film Festival 2018: Premio Perso Cinema Italiano
Torino Film Festival 2017: Torino 35 – Menzione speciale della giuria, Premio Cipputi