Pippo Delbono
Pippo Mezzapesa was born in Bitonto (province of Bari) on September 28th, 1980. After completing a law degree at the Università degli Studi di Bari, he attends an intensive workshop on film writing held by Tracce S.n.c. He also begins writing the scripts to several short films.
He directs his first short film entitled Lido Azzurro [Blue Beach] in 2001. This small production shot in digital is warmly received by Italian festivals that same year.
In 2003 he writes the script to one of the episodes of the collective film entitled A Levante [Eastwards] which is produced by Saietta Film and Pablo Film. In 2004 his second short film entitled Zinanà, the story of a man who played the cymbals but never played in time, wins the David di Donatello in its category.
In 2005 he directs Produrre Consumare Morire [Produce Consume Die], a social documentary decrying the casualties that took place at the Petrolchimico industries in Brindisi and at the Enel energy plant in Cerano.
His third short film Come a Cassano [Just like Cassano] (2006) tells the story of a boy who dribbles his soccer ball through the alleys of Old Bari while dreaming of growing up to be like his idol, soccer great Antonio Cassano. Aside from causing a sensation on Youtube it earns a special mention at the 2006 edition of Nastri d’Argento for its scenario and is one of the works chosen to represent Italy at the “Open Roads” event held at New York’s Lincoln Center.
He directs numerous music videos and commercials between 2005 and 2007 thereby consolidating his collaboration with the innovative Puglia-based communication agency Proforma.
In 2008 he shoots the behind-the-scenes footage to Daniele Vicari’s film Il Passato è una terra straniera [The Past is a Foreign Land], based on Gianrico Carofiglio’s bestseller and produced by Fandango and R&C Produzioni. He then leaves for Palestine where he shoots the musical reportage Se vinci tu [If You Win], in which he follows the band Radiodervish as they make their way to Bethlehem.
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