Image of

Chiara Malta

Chiara Malta was born in Rome in the spring of 1977. She graduated from Dams and then moved to France, so to attend Ateliers Varan. Her first work, Je m’appelle Mouhamed, comes from there. From then on, she makes ‘private’ films, that is made of super8 footage and digital: they are some sorts of mosaics of home movies and animated sequences.

She collaborates with the association Home Movies/Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia, which organizes events, retrospectives, publications on private cinema and the use of film archives. She has made several films. One shall mention Aspettandoti/ En t’attendant (2004), which premiered at the Festival del Nuovo Cinema in Pesaro, Sur les montagnes russes (2005), L’Isle (2005), which was selected for more than 20 festivals worldwide, L’été a Zedelbeek (2007), presented at Bellaria Film Festival 2008.



Synopsis When struggling director Federica makes a film together with Elina, the icon of her youth, not all goes as planned. In the heat of the moment Federica has a fit of epilepsy that turns her mind inside out. Everything seems to blur, until almost magically, everything finds a new perspective. Comments of the director For years I thought that…


Il cittadino Berlusconi un bel giorno è entrato nelle case degli italiani. A ripensarci oggi mi dico che doveva esserci un trucco…