Image of

Stefano Savona

Born in Palermo (1969), Stefano Savona is a globetrotter by vocation. After studying archeology and anthropology in Rome, he started the activity as a photographer, travelling in Turkish Kurdistan. This journey was the reason for his first exhibition and publication, Verso il Kurdistan. Savon starts directing documentary films with historical/artistic subject matters, but, most of all, he devotes his work as filmmaker to the topics of immigration and integration of minorities fighting for their freedom. He makes the documentary film Rashbash Badolato (1999) together with Anselmo De Filippis. This was about the peculiar welcoming of some Kurds by a small town on the Ionic coast of Calabria. The documentary film was acquired by Swedish SVT and German BRF. Siciliatunisia, documentary installation winner of the second prize at Anteprimaannozero 2001 in Bellaria film festival, was presented during events such as Mutations, Bordeaux 2000/2001, Emigrazioni/Immigrazioni, Rome 2000, and L’immagine leggera, Palermo.



Massimo Zamboni ha firmato l’idea di un documentario che ha affidato alla regia di Stefano Savona.