

SYNOPSIS Mitra, an ambitious artist around 40, a mother and a wife, embarks on her dream of making a film about her hero, the legendary female singer of the Arab world, Oum Kulthum. Her film’s central aim is to explore the struggles, sacrifices and the price of Oum Kulthum’s success as a female artist living in a conservative male dominated society. However, the sudden disappearance of Mitra’s…


17 years-old Giulio is sent by his mother, who is about to leave for a long business trip, to a boarding school for difficult offsprings of rich families. The boarding school is a sort of “golden prison”, isolated in the Alps, to which inadequate parents delegate the task of educating the ruling class of the future. In this cold and…


In 1979, American artist Ed Ruscha allegedly made a fake rock out of resin and hid it among real ones somewhere in California’s vast Mojave Desert. Named Rocky II after the Sylvester Stallone film, the work is never spoken about publicly nor is it listed in any catalogue of Ruscha’s work. Obsessed with this mystery piece, Academy Award–winner Pierre Bismuth…


It is the dead of night and Molly, in her bed, cannot get to sleep. Next to her face are the feet of her husband Leopold, who fell asleep upside-down and fully dressed. Molly’s voice, her irreverent, tragic, and childlike spirit, will lead us on a journey through her life and the people who inhabit it, whether living or imaginary….


2006. In the heart of Calabria, on a hill overlooking the sea, Paola Salerno films the preparation of the wedding of her younger brother Checco. In their family home, Checco spends his last days as a bachelor in the middle of his tribe of women. Four sisters: Caterina, Giovanna, Paola and Francesca; their mother Angela; and Maria Rosa, the bride…


Orhan Pamuk – Turkey’s Nobel laureate for Literature – opens a museum in Istanbul. A museum that’s a fiction: its objects trace a tale of doomed love in 1970’s Istanbul. The film takes a tour of the objects as the starting point for a trip through love stories, landscapes and the chemistry of the city.


Hana Doda, still a girl, escapes from her destiny of being a wife and a servant, a future imposed on women in remote village life in Albania. With the help of her uncle’s guidance, Hana appeals to the old Kanun traditional law and takes an oath of eternal virginity for the chance to bear a rifle and live free as…


savedTHINGS is a diary made of images and voices, recounting what has happened and still happens in Emilia Romagna after the earthquake. It is an extraordinarily intense reflection on the things that surround us, on those that are left, on those that have disappeared. On those that we choose to save and on those that are lost forever. Alberta Pellacani…


The Lack, four variations on the theme of “the lack” is a film represented by six female characters. Each of these women is immersed in her own primitive and silent nature. There are no background actors, nobody accompanies the loneliness of these women.
 Eve must deal with the pain of abandonment. The love obsession makes room to rebellion where the…


The artificial ghetto of Terezin, a few kilometers from Prague, was a transit place in the implementation of the Final Solution plan, where almost ninety thousand Jews where “selected” for deportation to extermination camps and many more thousands – men, women and children – died of starvation and diseases even before beginning the travel towards east. A weird hybrid between…


Chiuse all’interno delle loro macchine, due donne si affrontano in un duello muto…


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